Network Forensics

Network Forensics and Security Services

Networks are exposed to an unending series of attacks and exposures. External threats usually come from the Internet and can be grouped into three broad categories such as denial of service (DoS) (using the victim’s network as a base of attack,to target other networks) or for threat or alteration of information.Internal threats can come from individuals with legitimate access or from those that are exceeding their level of privilege.

At WestNet Forensic Services we can help you secure your critical digital assets. We can identify your IT security risks, exposures and vulnerabilities to cyber (internal and external) threats such as viruses, Trojans, and hackers. If you're looking for an external security analysis, penetration test, or a security assessment, we will help!

Each network security service is designed to see if the protective controls of a given system or network can be exploited or bypassed. Our team of IT security experts drives home the reality that vulnerabilities do exist and that assessments need to be performed to ensure that your critical assets are adequately protected.

Our computer security audits and penetration tests are conducted by certified cyber security experts. We perform systematic and measurable technical assessments with the goal of discovering how your organization's security policies map to specific activities at a specific site or location.

Network forensics can best be defined as the sniffing, recording,and analysis of network traffic and events.Network forensics are performed in order to discover the source of security incidents and attacks or other potential problems.One key role of the forensic expert is to differentiate repetitive problems from malicious attacks.

Network Forensics FAQ

Q: Why is network forensics important?
A: Network forensics are important because so many common attacks entail some type of misuse of network resources.

Q: What are the different ways in which the network can be attacked?
A: Attacks typically target availability confidentiality, and integrity. Loss of any one of these items constitutes a security breach.

Q: Where is the best place to search for information?
A: Information can be found by either doing a live analysis of the network,analyzing IDS information,or examining logs that can be found in routers and servers.

Q: How does a forensic analyst know how deeply to look for information?
A: Some amount of information can be derived from looking at the skill level of the attacker.Attackers with little skill are much less likely to use advanced hiding techniques.